장애인직업재활시설 종사자들의 평가지표에 대한 인식정도와 실행정도에 관한 연구 > 논문 창고

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학위논문 장애인직업재활시설 종사자들의 평가지표에 대한 인식정도와 실행정도에 관한 연구

페이지 정보

사회복지연구소 18-03-15 14:42 조회 2,835회 댓글 0건


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장애인직업재활시설 종사자들의 평가지표에 대한 인식정도와 실행정도에 관한 연구

Awareness and achievement of evaluation indexes among workers in job rehabilitation facilities for persons with disabilities 


저자 김 준

발행정보​ 경상대학교​ 2016년



The purpose of this study is disabled rehabilitation facilities that have the workers who work one examines the extent of his execution and degree of awareness, among workers on the assessment evaluation findings through (focus group interview) and focus group interviews with select someone on the way to see if there is a difference. That if an interview with the gap between survey results by seeking way that can reduce the gap between the two Disabled Rehabilitation Facilities for assessment of improvement measures to present main objectives. To this end, Gyeongsangnam-do Province for local rehabilitation facilities for the Disabled workers disabled rehabilitation facility level How high is the level of awareness, perception and assessment indicators That analyzed whether you and this is the difference between a running process obtained through the conclusion is as follows : First, the Evaluation Indicator for disabled rehabilitation facilities to points high as criteria much the national average is seven points, awareness of the obsession of its facilities, workers an item is the Evaluation Indicator It appeared that they are sharing the important recognition. But implementation of standards have been recorded to recognize about 4.750 points appeared relatively lower than the average degree of. Second, the Disability Evaluation Index of top rehabilitation facility level awareness in the area and appeared as differences statistically significant differences in analysis for implementation. First quadrant area in the future to strengthen the maintenance of continuously interested, we should preserve thought to have. If the degree of implementation as the second quarter improvement in the priority areas where enough to fit in maintenance area can be developed to strengthen. Low and implementation of any third quadrant is about recognition are rehabilitation facility type characteristics, social welfare institution obstacle, but revenue operations because of low through vocational rehabilitation program because the agency. Also incurred due to adverse effects occur. The plight of the workers and prepare the documents are facilities for disabled users a simple assessment can be of service can lead to. Third, the disabled rehabilitation facilities of Indicators for the Assessment of subcategories like detailed level could test for recognition and execution in difference in any meaningful differences in analysis. Each descendant is about recognition and implementation maintain areas of reinforcement, the first four minutes can go to the extent of the higher scheduled effort. In particular, the third quarter descendant that is distributed in the long term solution will be stuck. Facilities for disabled users can lead to be social welfare facilities, services assessment was also ineffective. Fourth, the target group a workers are many indicators do not fit into the scene point in an interview and third quarter most of the evaluation items. But Most of the importance of items on evaluation and assessment indicators the contents will be voices through the ‘Change or correction’ scene. And in the scene of these problems is to participate in educational forums and seminars about a need to actively participate in evaluations and opinions on. Evaluation of social welfare facilities are disabled rehabilitation facilities for transparency and better quality services. And user independence and improve budget execution and rehabilitation of rationality and efficiency goals. Appropriate quality and public accountability for the funds in the stabilisation and the client properly service and as a way to make sure that assessments have made. In 2016, the second inning and conducted by mistaken different on site and can find that the project progressed. Assessment Indicators for the higher the degree of recognition, but actually been carried out run low in degree are piecemeal to show this same situation as for example. A based on the notes the result of this study, as follows. First, the disabled rehabilitation facilities education and improvements should be used as the main objective of evaluating results. The service quality management group therefore realistic consulting to heed the voice of the scene in progress. And social welfare facilities are actively participate in the evaluation. Second, indicators with disabilities in rehabilitation facilities are evaluating production is true that service provision in a facility of more than the facilities in the centre. Therefore, the difference between indicators of the assessment be developed. Correct assessment indicators should be made in rehabilitation facilities for the Disabled. Third, the lack of manpower was solvable ; community through effective systems of human resources links to actively push. Taking advantage of social welfare facilities must go to ease the lack of manpower. If you actively discovering communities and human resources personnel issues can be improved.


  • 표제지
  • 목차
  • Abstract 8
  • I. 서론 11
  • 1. 문제제기 및 연구배경 11
  • 2. 연구목적 16
  • II. 이론적 배경 17
  • 1. 장애인직업재활시설의 개념 17
  • 2. 장애인직업재활시설의 이해 18
  • 1) 장애인직업재활시설 18
  • 2) 장애인직업재활시설의 유형 및 최소기준 19
  • 3) 작업활동 프로그램 23
  • 3. 장애인직업재활시설 평가 25
  • 1) 의의 25
  • 2) 장애인직업재활시설 평가 연혁 27
  • 3) 장애인직업재활시설 서비스 품질관리 매뉴얼 30
  • 4) 장애인직업재활시설 평가지표 32
  • 5) 이용자에 대한 평가지표항목 33
  • 6) 종사자의 인식정도와 실행정도 34
  • III. 선행연구 검토 36
  • IV. 연구방법 40
  • 1. 자료수집과 40
  • 2. 표적집단면접 40
  • 3. 조사도구 40
  • 1) 시설특성 40
  • 2) 설문조사 항목 41
  • 3) 표적집단면접(Focus group interview) 실시 42
  • 4. 분석방법 44
  • 1) 통계분석 44
  • 2) IPA (Importance Performance Analysis) 분석 44
  • V. 분석결과 46
  • 1. 인구사회학적 특성 46
  • 2. 세부항목별 인식정도와 실행정도 차이분석 47
  • 1) 상위영역 47
  • 2) 직업상담 영역 48
  • 3) 직무분석 영역 49
  • 4) 직업재활계획수립 및 개별제공 영역 50
  • 5) 재활프로그램 영역 50
  • 6) 취업규칙 영역 51
  • 7) 서비스종결(퇴사) 영역 52
  • 8) 판매처개발노력 및 고객관리 영역 52
  • 9) 생산관리 및 품질관리 영역 53
  • 10) 최저임금 지급요건 영역 54
  • 11) 매출총이익금 영역 54
  • 3. 인식정도와 실행정도 IPA 55
  • 1) 상위영역에 대한 IPA 차이 비교 55
  • 2) 하위항목에 대한 IPA 차이 비교 56
  • 3) 상위영역과 하위항목 IPA 분포 비교 59
  • VI. 결론 및 논의 61
  • 1. 요약 및 결론 61
  • 2. 정책적 제언 63
  • 3. 연구의 제한점 및 후속연구에 대한 과제 65
  • 참고문헌 66
  • 부록 69
  • 표목차
  • 〈표 2-1〉 직업재활시설 유형별 설비기준 20
  • 〈표 2-2〉 장애인직업재활시설 작업활동 프로그램 24
  • 〈표 2-3〉 사회복지시설 평가 연혁 28
  • 〈표 2-4〉 장애인직업재활시설 평가 지표수 및 배점 32
  • 〈표 2-5〉 이용자에 대한 종사자의 평가지표항목 33
  • 〈표 3-1〉 직업재활시설 관련 선행 연구 39
  • 〈표 4-1〉 2016년 장애인직업재활시설 평가지표 41
  • 〈표 4-2〉 심층인터뷰 내용 43
  • 〈표 5-1〉 조사대상자의 인구사회학적 특성 46
  • 〈표 5-2〉 상위영역의 인식정도-실행정도 수준 차이분석 48
  • 〈표 5-3〉 직업상담 영역의 인식정도-실행정도 수준 차이분석 49
  • 〈표 5-4〉 직무분석 영역의 인식정도-실행정도 수준 차이분석 49
  • 〈표 5-5〉 직업재활계획수립 및 개별제공 영역의 인식정도-실행정도 수준 차이분석 50
  • 〈표 5-6〉 재활프로그램 영역의 인식정도-실행정도 수준 차이분석 51
  • 〈표 5-7〉 취업규칙 영역의 인식정도-실행정도 수준 차이분석 51
  • 〈표 5-8〉 서비스종결(퇴사) 영역의 인식정도-실행정도 수준 차이분석 52
  • 〈표 5-9〉 판매처개발노력 및 고객관리 영역의 인식정도-실행정도 수준 차이분석 53
  • 〈표 5-10〉 생산관리 및 품질관리 영역의 인식정도-실행정도 수준 차이분석 53
  • 〈표 5-11〉 최저임금 지급요건 영역의 인식정도-실행정도 수준 차이분석 54
  • 〈표 5-12〉 매출총이익금 영역의 인식정도-실행정도 수준 차이분석 54
  • 〈표 5-13〉 상위영역과 하위항목의 분포율 59
  • 그림목차
  • 〈그림 2-1〉 연도별 직업재활시설 종사자수(정원) 21
  • 〈그림 2-2〉 장애인직업재활시설 매뉴얼 집필 과정 31
  • 〈그림 4-1〉 인식정도-실행정도 매트릭스 45
  • 〈그림 5-1〉 상위영역 IPA차이 분포 55
  • 〈그림 5-2〉 하위항목 IPA차이 분포 57
  • 〈그림 5-3〉 하위영역 중 1사분면 분포 항목 57
  • 〈그림 5-4〉 하위영역 중 2사분면 분포 항목 58
  • 〈그림 5-5〉 하위영역 중 3사분면 분포 항목 58
  • 〈그림 5-6〉 하위영역 중 4사분면 분포 항목 59






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