지역아동센터를 이용하는 청소년의 행복감에 미치는 영향요인 > 논문 창고

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학술논문 지역아동센터를 이용하는 청소년의 행복감에 미치는 영향요인

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사회복지연구소 18-02-24 11:55 조회 2,923회 댓글 0건


SL사회복지연구소 http://www.welfarestory.com 에서는 다음과 같은 정보를 공유합니다.

지역아동센터를 이용하는 청소년의 행복감에 미치는 영향요인
Influential Factors for Happiness of Adolescents Who Use Community Child Centers

저자 박영미, 김정이, 조은주, 이지현, 우경미
학술지정보 지역사회간호학회지
발행정보지 역사회간호학회 2017년


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine factors affecting happiness of adolescents who attended community child centers. Methods: We surveyed 154 adolescents attending a community child center in P City with a structured self-report questionnaire from October 3 to October 15, 2016. Data was analyzed by SPSS 18.0 descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, $Scheff\acute{e}test$, Pearson's correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression. Results: The mean scores of family strength, friend support, teacher support, and happiness were $3.8{\pm}0.84$, $3.8{\pm}0.98$, $3.7{\pm}0.84$ and $3.7{\pm}0.63$. There were significant differences in happiness according to the subjects' number of close friends and duration of their stay at the community child center. There were a significant positive correlations among family strength, friend support, teacher support, and happiness. The most significant factors affecting happiness included friend support (β=.40$) and peaceable family strength (β=.35$). These variables explained 44% of the total variance in happiness. Conclusion: It is desirable to prepare and support measures to increase friends' support and family strength in order to improve happiness of adolescents attending community child centers. The findings suggest that it is necessary to develop nursing intervention programs to promote friend support and family strength.

행복감, 가족건강성, 사회적 지지, 청소년

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