학술논문 저소득가정 청소년의 학교적응과 생태학적 영향요인: 지역아동센터 이용 청소년을 중심으로
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사회복지연구소 18-02-24 11:53 조회 3,504회 댓글 0건본문
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저소득가정 청소년의 학교적응과 생태학적 영향요인: 지역아동센터 이용 청소년을 중심으로
Ecological Factors Affecting School Adjustment of Low-Income Adolescents Attending Community Child Care Center
저자 박지영, 박영숙, 이정은, 김수빈
학술지정보 Child Health Nursing Research
발행정보 한국아동간호학회 2017년
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the ecological factors influencing school adjustment of adolescents from low-income families. Methods: Secondary data analysis was performed using data of 1,321 low-income adolescents in 123 regions found on the Survey on Service Satisfaction with Community Child Care Center. Results: The results of multi-level analysis identified the factors influencing school adjustment of low-income adolescents as follows: individual-level factors were gender, grade in school, and emotional problem; an interpersonal-level factor was family structure; organizational-level factors were length of time attending center and satisfaction with the service of the center; community-level factors were region and perception of community. Conclusion: The results suggest that low-income adolescents' adjustment to school is influenced not only by individual factors but also by diverse environmental factors. Community factors suggest that more education support systems and leisure facilities for adolescents need to be built in small and medium cities. Strategies to enhance positive perception of community are also needed for this population. Further, it is necessary to develop multi-level interventions to improve the school adjustment of adolescents from vulnerable social groups.
청소년, 지역사회참여연구, 다수준분석, 빈곤, 사회적응, Adolescent, Community-based participatory research, Multilevel analysis, Poverty, Social adjustment
저소득가정 청소년의 학교적응과 생태학적 영향요인: 지역아동센터 이용 청소년을 중심으로
Ecological Factors Affecting School Adjustment of Low-Income Adolescents Attending Community Child Care Center
저자 박지영, 박영숙, 이정은, 김수빈
학술지정보 Child Health Nursing Research
발행정보 한국아동간호학회 2017년
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the ecological factors influencing school adjustment of adolescents from low-income families. Methods: Secondary data analysis was performed using data of 1,321 low-income adolescents in 123 regions found on the Survey on Service Satisfaction with Community Child Care Center. Results: The results of multi-level analysis identified the factors influencing school adjustment of low-income adolescents as follows: individual-level factors were gender, grade in school, and emotional problem; an interpersonal-level factor was family structure; organizational-level factors were length of time attending center and satisfaction with the service of the center; community-level factors were region and perception of community. Conclusion: The results suggest that low-income adolescents' adjustment to school is influenced not only by individual factors but also by diverse environmental factors. Community factors suggest that more education support systems and leisure facilities for adolescents need to be built in small and medium cities. Strategies to enhance positive perception of community are also needed for this population. Further, it is necessary to develop multi-level interventions to improve the school adjustment of adolescents from vulnerable social groups.
청소년, 지역사회참여연구, 다수준분석, 빈곤, 사회적응, Adolescent, Community-based participatory research, Multilevel analysis, Poverty, Social adjustment